2013: No Resolutions, Only FAITH Goals


It becomes customary for everyone, or at least most of us to make resolutions at the beginning of the year. We see things in our lives with which we are not satisfied, and we decided that this new year we are going to make changes. Very often the resolutions that we make center simply in self-improvement and for whatever will make us FEEL better. And most of the time it focuses on our own glory.

I am guilty of making resolutions too. I mean who doesn’t want to have better year or better results? I believe that we humans are always looking forward for better days and better version of ourselves. I have nothing against making resolutions, I do tolerate it but for the past 3 years, I’ve come up to a BETTER way to have this and indeed I got results that are far way better than having my resolutions before. We called it FAITH GOALS. Resolution is about resolving things that you haven’t succeeded the last year on the other hand, faith goal is about having list of goals rooted in FAITH. It may consist of your personal, career, family goals and etc.( the more detailed it is, the better). Having your own faith goals, it makes you ACT  more in FAITH, pray more and makes you HOPE–it is more than simply longing for something that it might happen, but it is confidence and assurance that it will happen. It might not come within the year but it will surely happen in its perfect time as long as you have the right motive in having it. And as you act upon it in FAITH it will also be nurtured in prayer, not just by you but by your partners in hand.

By the end of the year, you will be delighted how many in your list have been crossed out. There may be times that you won’t have a 100% accomplished goals, but it will enable you to act more, trust more, pray more, wait more patiently and stretch more of  your faith!